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Top 5: Linux Terminal Applications and Utilities

5 Useful Terminal Applications Utilities That Are The Best At What They Do!


These are incredible utilities that I have been using for a while now. I am confident that you will find a use for at least one of them. Lets dive in!


Is a great Terminal Emulator for those people who want blazing fast performance. It has many features, but my favorites are:

  • Hardware acceleration.
  • Cross-platform, it runs on Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows.


For Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt install alacritty

For Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S alacritty


It’s another way to interact with your shell inside a terminal or a tty. It has a great community around it, many themes available that can tailor to any user out there.

  • Note: in the video version of this article I go in-depth on how to set up the theming for Zsh.


For Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt install zsh

For Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S zsh


Is a great utility to display which process or program that is hogging all your resources. Yes, I am looking at your VLC. You can configure it to look just like the way want by hacking on it for a bit.


For Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt install htop

For Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S htop


If you have ever dreamed of a terminal-based file explorer with Vim keybinding then you are in luck, Vifm does that and more.

  • Vifm has great integration with Vim.
  • Vifm fast and lightweight.
  • Support for a recycle bin.


For Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt install vifm

For Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S vifm


Pushd allows you to change directories while also remembering past entered directories with the ability to change back to them. Basically, it’s a beefed-up cd command.


  • It should be installed by default on most Linux distros.


If you want to look cool when your friends are around or show that you are a great hacker or computer wizard. then you need these terminal utilities.


Just as the name states it displays the famous matrix characters inside your terminal.


For Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt install cmatrix

For Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S cmatrix

No More Secrets

It recreates the famous data decryption effect seen on screen in the 1992 hacker movie Sneakers.


  • It’s not available in most distro’s repositories. So, you might need to build and install it yourself.


I hope you found this list useful. Sound off in the comments on what your favorites Terminal utilities?

Video Walkthrough

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy